社会情緒的学習(Social Emotional Learning)
現在、特に注目しているのが社会情緒的スキル(Social Emotional Skill)です。これらの中には以下の5つのスキルがあり、子供たちが学業や仕事で成功するうえで大変重要な基礎になることが、研究からわかっています。
<自己認識> 自分自身の感情、思考、価値観を理解し、それらがどのように文脈の中で行動に影響を与えるかを理解することができること。
<自己管理> さまざまな状況において、自分の感情、思考、行動を管理し、目標や願望を達成すること。
<社会的認識> 多様な背景を持つ他者の視点を理解し、共感することができること。
<人間関係のスキル> 健康的で協力的な関係を築き、維持し、多様な個人/グループと効果的に関係を築くことができること。
<責任ある意思決定> 多様な状況下において、個人の行動や社会的な交流について、思いやりのある建設的な選択をすることができること。

今回は、<自己認識> <社会的認識>の力を育てるために、NTTの研究所が開発した「わたしたちのウェルビーイングカード」を用いたワークショップを、NTT基礎研究所の渡邊博士と一緒に実施しました。


——————— The English version follows.—————————————-
We are working with people who are active in the real world to research and develop effective ways for children to acquire the skills they need to live happily in the complex and uncertain society of the future.
Currently, we are particularly focusing on Social Emotional Skills (SES). Research has shown that the following five skills provide a very important foundation for children’s academic and professional success.
Self-awareness: being able to understand one’s own feelings, thoughts, and values and how they affect behavior in context.
Self-management: Managing one’s emotions, thoughts, and actions in a variety of situations to achieve one’s goals and desires.
Social awareness: Being able to understand and empathize with the perspectives of others from diverse backgrounds.
Relationship Skills: The ability to establish and maintain healthy, collaborative relationships and relate effectively with diverse individuals/groups.
Responsible decision-making: the ability to make thoughtful and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions in diverse situations.
This time, in order to develop the power of <Self-awareness> and <Social Awareness>, we conducted a workshop with Dr. Watanabe of NTT Communication Science Laboratories using “Our Well-Being Cards” developed by NTT’s research laboratories. In the workshop, participants first chose three types of values that they think important and gave a presentation. As a result of the workshop, the participants were able to gain meta-awareness about their values and understand the diversity of values as follows.
I was able to enjoy listening to other people’s opinions while thinking such as “This opinion is true for me, but this opinion is different from mine.
I thought I understood myself to some extent, but when I actually talked about myself, I felt that I did not understand much. I was able to see myself from a new perspective by talking with others in the group.
I could find new thoughts and feelings by combining each person’s different ideas.
I wondered how we could create a better world and live an ideal life when everyone’s thoughts and feelings were so different.
Researchers, entrepreneurs, editors, university students helped to organize this workshop, and they all shared the common value of wanting to educate children so that they can be happy in the future to come. Dr. Watanabe and I worked in the same laboratory when we were both in university, and I have found that meeting people who share the same values is a treasure that will last a lifetime. I hope that our children will also find lifelong friends that transcend age, gender, and nationality.
今井 朝子(株)日立製作所にて研究開発に従事した後、アメリカの企業にて東京大学とイリノイ大学とのVRの国際研究プロジェクトに参加し、アプリケーション開発に従事。その後ユーザビリティーに関するフリーランサーとして多数企業の新規事業提案等に携わる。現在、総務省情報通信審議会専門委員、Salzburg Global Seminar Fellow(世界をより良くするために活動しているリーダーのための国際NPO)、Karanga執行役員(社会性と情動の学び、生きる力の学びを広めるために活動している国際アライアンス)群馬県非認知教育専門家委員会委員、SEL Japan 運営メンバーを兼務。
・慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科物理学専攻 修士課程修了
・イリノイ大学コンピュータサイエンス科 修士課程修了