
プロトタイプの学校では講師の油木田 大祐(Dice)さんから、「不便さを解決するために、自分で試行錯誤しながら作ってみる」というマインドセットが重要であること、プロトタイピングでは「絵に描いた餅」ではなく、「食べられる餅」、すなはち、「粗削りでいいので、ユーザが実際に使えるもの」を作ることが大切であることの説明がありました。これは、最近のノーコード技術や3Dプリンタ技術の発達を受けて急速に普及し始めたそうで、生徒達には少し難しいかとも思ったのですが真剣に聞き入り真の意味を理解したようです。



皆で冒険した後は、本校のアドバイザーであるPatrick氏も加わり全員で記念撮影。Thank you Dice and Alisa!

We participated in the Prototyping School held by IDEO, a world-renowned innovation and design company headquartered in San Francisco, USA. Participants were invited to apply as part of the STEAM program, Design Engineering Exploration class. Expectations were high because the venue was Omotesando, and the students felt like they were working for a prestigious company even before entering the venue.
At the prototyping school, the lecturer, Dice explained that it is important to have a mindset of “trying to solve inconvenience by making things through trial and error” and that in prototyping, it is important to make “edible cakes,” not “picture cakes,” or, more precisely, “cakes that can be used by users, even if they are roughly made. In prototyping, it is important to create not a “rice cake picture” but a “rice cake that can be eaten” or “something that can actually be used by the user”. This is a concept that has begun to spread rapidly with the recent development of no-code technology and 3D printer technology, and although I thought it might be a bit difficult for the students, they listened intently and seemed to understand the true meaning.
After the explanation, the students immediately created a prototype of their smartphone applications. After completing the preliminary study at home, on the day of the event, they did their app creation in a professional atmosphere, looking as good as adults.
At the end of the prototype school, they were very happy to see people using their work. I realized that this is what we call Empowerment, and I thought that if we provide high school students with a world-class professional learning environment, they will grow endlessly.
今井 朝子(株)日立製作所にて研究開発に従事した後、アメリカの企業にて東京大学とイリノイ大学とのVRの国際研究プロジェクトに参加し、アプリケーション開発に従事。その後ユーザビリティーに関するフリーランサーとして多数企業の新規事業提案等に携わる。現在、総務省情報通信審議会専門委員、Salzburg Global Seminar Fellow(世界をより良くするために活動しているリーダーのための国際NPO)、Karanga執行役員(社会性と情動の学び、生きる力の学びを広めるために活動している国際アライアンス)群馬県非認知教育専門家委員会委員、SEL Japan 運営メンバーを兼務。
・慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科物理学専攻 修士課程修了
・イリノイ大学コンピュータサイエンス科 修士課程修了