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We believe that students need to have a basic knowledge of AI and be able to use it responsibly and judiciously, so we translated UNICEF’s AI Guide for Teens and taught it during STEAM time.

In the class, we explained how AI learns, and that AI technology itself is not good or bad, but depends on who created it and how it is used. After the class, students made a variety of comments, which we believe provided a good opportunity to think about AI. Below are some of the comments from the students.

–In order to make AI useful to children, we should make a place for them to learn about the dangers of AI, for example by making education about AI a compulsory subject in schools.

–I would like to have a child-rearing robot that would be close to children and encourage their growth. I want to make sure that children are never left alone in a dual-income family.

–Create an AI for children that can answer their questions.

–While we should make sure that robots do not have egos, we should also make sure that the people of the future who will be dealing with AI can themselves, more than ever before, be able to express their individuality in areas that are unique to people, such as initiative, amount of action, and insight.

今井 朝子
今井 朝子
(株)日立製作所にて研究開発に従事した後、アメリカの企業にて東京大学とイリノイ大学とのVRの国際研究プロジェクトに参加し、アプリケーション開発に従事。その後ユーザビリティーに関するフリーランサーとして多数企業の新規事業提案等に携わる。現在、総務省情報通信審議会専門委員、Salzburg Global Seminar Fellow(世界をより良くするために活動しているリーダーのための国際NPO)、Karanga執行役員(社会性と情動の学び、生きる力の学びを広めるために活動している国際アライアンス)群馬県非認知教育専門家委員会委員、SEL Japan 運営メンバーを兼務。

・慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科物理学専攻 修士課程修了
・イリノイ大学コンピュータサイエンス科 修士課程修了